With our new plan, trading is now simple. More information can be found by clicking here



Leadership is the elevation of a person’s vision to lofty goals, the boosting of a person’s performance to a higher level, and the development of a personality beyond its typical limitations.

Our Executive Team

BynovaFx takes pride in the breadth and depth of talent on our staff, which ranges from the legacy banking space to the new realm of crypto.

Billy T. Irons


Yvonne Carson

Deputy Director

Eric Adams

Chief Risk Officer

Ed Martin

Chief Legal Officer

Hui Yüan

Chief Financial Officer

Rudy Dow

VP of Human Resources

Dennis Propst

Chief Compliance Officer

Hugh Daly

Information Security Officer

Nachi Horikawa

Marketing Director

Rudy Dow

Chief Technology Officer

Ukito Kouno

Asst Chief Technology Officer

Johanna J. Prine

Head Customer support